The Zapatistas and LA History

  1. 2. A poor Mestizo who was a hero in the Mexican Revolution
  2. 4. Leader of Mexican War
  3. 7. Exchange of plants, animals, and diseases from the Old World to the New World
  4. 10. Leader of Mexican War of independence
  5. 11. Leader of the Haitian Recvolution
  6. 12. Conquered the Inca Empire
  7. 13. Fidel Castro's war for independence
  8. 15. Trade from Europe, Africa, and the Americas
  9. 16. People who faught for independence from NAFTA in Mexico
  10. 17. Last leader of the Aztec Empire
  11. 18. A resource rich state in southern Mexico
  1. 1. Leader of freedom in Bolivia and many other countries
  2. 3. South American Indians
  3. 5. Line between Spanish and Portuguese territory
  4. 6. Sudden, unexpected acts carried about y groups that fight using hit and run tactics
  5. 8. Last leader of the Inca
  6. 9. Caused the fall of the Aztec Empire
  7. 14. North American free trade agreement
  8. 19. Their territory covered northern Mesoamerica