Theatre Vocabulary

  1. 4. The theatre word for "practice."
  2. 8. A sustained and enthusiastic show of appreciation from an audience, especially by means of applause
  3. 9. Where the action of the play takes place.
  4. 11. To depart the acting area and go offstage.
  5. 12. The area in a theater out of view of the audience, especially in the wings or dressing rooms.
  6. 13. An item handled by an actor in a scene.
  7. 14. A pause or break between acts of a play or musical.
  8. 16. The front part of the main floor of a theater.
  9. 17. A long speech by one actor in a play or movie, or as part of a theatrical or broadcast program.
  10. 18. A room in a theater or studio in which performers can relax when they are not performing.
  11. 19. A theatrical style where actors create most or all of their performance spontaneously and without a written script.
  1. 1. A room in which actors change clothes before and after their performance.
  2. 2. Conversation between two or more people as a feature of a book, play, or movie.
  3. 3. The group of actors who make up a film or stage play
  4. 5. The part of the stage where actors wait to enter.
  5. 6. The part an actor plays.
  6. 7. Outfits worn by actors on stage to portray a character or type of character
  7. 10. The text of the play, actors memorize their lines from this.
  8. 15. A place at a theater or other arts establishment where tickets are bought or reserved.