theme 1 words

  1. 4. old person need to do this cause it is very healthy
  2. 5. every one haat this then you going to sleep
  3. 7. thingk about NPO1
  4. 8. you put your bike in it
  5. 10. he is looking voor ancient things
  6. 12. you can find its deep in the sea
  7. 15. round my aunt is every evening by our so she .....
  8. 17. J.K. Rowling
  9. 18. kids love its so much cause it is so funny
  10. 19. this person is very stupid
  1. 1. every one look at this wen you looking for news
  2. 2. pool you can in its
  3. 3. this persoon love this work so much that he does this for free
  4. 6. series you need to think about DISNEY
  5. 8. he is the soon of your stepfather
  6. 9. in this time i wont to be a good persoon
  7. 11. a price lives in that
  8. 13. big hit think about game of thrones
  9. 14. france revolution it is ....
  10. 16. its a very smart women