Themes of Geography

  1. 1. negative things that make people want to move to a new area
  2. 4. _____________ characteristics of ways to describe a place such as religion or language
  3. 6. an area that has unifying characteristics
  4. 7. this acronym is used to remember the 5 themes of geography
  5. 8. regions that have no formal boundaries but are understood in mental maps of the world.
  6. 9. How many themes of geography do people use/particIpate on a daily basis?
  7. 11. The position on the Earth’s surface
  8. 16. ways humans have actually changed some part of the physical environment
  9. 20. coordinates used to describe north or south
  10. 22. a change in human behavior to cope with environmental conditions
  11. 23. coordinates used to describe east or west
  12. 25. How many themes of geography are there?
  13. 26. regions that are defined by their connections.such as a fanbase of a sports team.
  14. 27. you participated in this theme when you commuted to school today
  15. 28. Building a dam or putting in irrigation is this type of human environment interaction.
  1. 2. this is the "HE" Mr. Help"
  2. 3. how places are linked together through goods,people, and ideas.
  3. 4. residents of the Southeast US must prepare for this type of natural disasters
  4. 5. facilitates travel and migration
  5. 10. ____________ location the coordinates of a place
  6. 12. facilitates the spread of ideas
  7. 13. What makes one place different from all other places on Earth
  8. 14. positive aspects that attract people to move to a place such as better jobs
  9. 15. When the school building is cold student will ___________, and put on a sweater. This is an example of this Human environment interaction type
  10. 17. types of regions that are designated by official boundaries, such as cities, states, counties, and countries
  11. 18. this is a an example of a common movement theme and would be described as a push factor
  12. 19. ___________ location an example of this would be "Cleveland is 40 minutes north of Akron"
  13. 21. __________ characteristics ways to describe a place such as landforms and climate.
  14. 24. ________facilitates the ability to access communication and transportation.