  1. 5. Which side does the US fall into on the Health Continuum?
  2. 6. 2.1 Million teens are_____
  3. 8. The seven warning signs of cancer spell out ______
  4. 10. The 2nd line of defense
  5. 12. Abnormal cell growth
  6. 13. fastest growing teen disease in country
  7. 14. ______ helps your body digest food and eliminate waste
  8. 17. the process in which plagues accumulate on artery walls
  9. 19. Diabetes is a _______ that affects the way body cells convert food into energy
  10. 21. the type of cancer that cannot spread
  11. 23. _______ fats are found in many animal foods such as meat and dairy products
  12. 24. Average Life Span (Number in word form)
  1. 1. 125 Million teens play_____
  2. 2. The body's third line of defense
  3. 3. Health is the combination of Physical, Mental, and ______
  4. 4. can damage heart, blood vessels, and other body organs
  5. 7. The white blood cells that are responsible for eating foreign particles by engulfing them
  6. 9. A bad type of stress and is hard to cope with
  7. 11. The percent of teens that have vaped by the twelfth grade
  8. 15. Number One Communicable disease
  9. 16. 3 months of exercise program improves memory by_______
  10. 18. a soft, waxy, fat-like matter produced by the body
  11. 20. The body's defense against disease
  12. 22. Provide energy and help the body use certain vitamins more effectively