Theoretical Perspective of Public Policy Making

  1. 6. in basic assumption of system theory, government institutions and political process
  2. 10. ______ is behavior of actor within institution in neo-institutional theory
  3. 12. Similar to elite theory, this
  4. 13. They implement policy in elite theory
  5. 17. elites make policy by making decision base on their ______, priorities, values (Nilai) and interests towards some problem instead of the masses.
  6. 18. Each group comprises of individuals who shared same interest and attitude and Group make claims upon other groups to preserve / fights to improve its interest (public problem of its concern)refers to the ___________ of group theory.
  7. 19. Policy is formulated ______ the political system (black box) but no description given on how political system makes decision
  8. 20. In elite theory, they have no power and easily manipulated.
  9. 21. the weaknesses of neo-institutional theory is the roles and functions /influence of political parties, various groups in a society, and public opinions ______ explained.
  10. 23. in group's theory, Government will act as a _____ toward group struggle by making decisions that could accommodate interest of all group.
  11. 24. ______ is interconnection between institutions, rules and regulations(system and values)in neo-institutional theory
  12. 26. describes policy making in the context of US pluralist society.
  13. 31. in Groups theory they would influences government decision makers to shape decisions that would _____ interest of the group.
  14. 33. process to maximize own self-interest (individual interest) and to achieve "maximum social gain".
  1. 1. In making policy decisions in neo institutional theory, actors _______ within institution, system and procedures to achieve political and policy goals
  2. 2. in system theory, Policy making is influence by political system _______to its environment.
  3. 3. _____is government / political institutions: executive, legislative & judiciary in neo-institutional theory
  4. 4. the weaknesses of group theory is it does not _____________ how government reacted towards group struggle and make policy decision
  5. 5. In elite theory, they composed of people with wealth, intelligence, and skills.
  6. 7. in rational theory, Political actor _____ all facts(information) then listed and ranked all alternatives according to priorities to solve problem (all information required to list and rank is assume available)
  7. 8. This theory assumed public policy is the output/outcome from political system responses to the demand arising from its environment
  8. 9. ________ decision making is individuals in rational decision making theory, the decision is made by groups of _______ through
  9. 11. in basic assumption of system theory, (decisions / laws / rules) = policy
  10. 14. Public policy not reflective of public demand, but rather a product of the elites values refers to the _________ of the elite theory
  11. 15. political theory, Political actor analyzes alternative - determine all consequences such as cost, benefits, advantages and disadvantages resulting from each of
  12. 16. rational theory assumed individual values is primary in making ______, instead of groups, organizations and societies values.
  13. 22. Theory describes policy making by focusing on the behavior of the decision / policy maker within governmental or political institutions
  14. 25. in basic assumption of system theory, anything outside political system that influence input and output. Example: changes in IT, social, demography, economy)
  15. 27. also describes policy making in the context of US pluralist society.
  16. 28. elites make policy decision by making small changes to the earlier decisions/policy to constraints of resources, expertise &_______.
  17. 29. ____ is people in the institutions (official actor), and outside institutions (unofficial actor)in neo-institutional theory
  18. 30. in basic assumption of system theory, public responses towards output
  19. 32. in basic assumption of system theory, come from the environment , comprises of demand / support (example: when people pay tax, obey regulations/decisions made by government)
  20. 34. alternative