Theoretical Perspectives on the Development of African Americans

  1. 4. stands for Phenomenological Variant of Ecological Systems Theory
  2. 6. the social relationships where the individual is directly involved
  3. 11. means inside one's self
  4. 12. social interactions
  5. 14. different characteristics that make a person
  1. 1. created an ecological theory
  2. 2. means between people
  3. 3. created a social cognitive theory
  4. 5. the context of connections between different microsystems (the link between family and peers)
  5. 7. the set of temporal and historical changes that affect development and alter the characteristics of the individual
  6. 8. the broader context the involves the social structure (ex: government, media, culture)
  7. 9. the social settings that indirectly affect development but the individual doesn't have direct contact (ex: school boards)
  8. 10. he, Tracey Hartmann, and Margaret Beale Spencer created PVEST
  9. 13. means rhythm or movement
  10. 15. auditory and verbal modes