Theories of Motivation - Drive-Reduction, Incentives, Arousal and Hierarchy of Needs (by Brantley Hilliard)

  1. 5. In the Arousal theory/Yerkes-dodson Law, ____ tasks lead to low arousal.
  2. 9. In the Drive-Reduction theory, the aim is ___________.
  3. 11. In the Arousal theory, people seek their _______ level of arousal.
  4. 12. In the Incentives theory, when people interact with a stimulus their behavior becomes ____-________.
  5. 13. In the Hierarchy of Needs, ______ needs mean we need the world to feel organized and predictable.
  6. 15. The ______-______ Law is tied to the Arousal theory.
  7. 17. The Drive-Reduction theory replaced the ________ theory.
  8. 19. In the Incentives theory, incentives are _____________ cues that trigger motives.
  9. 20. The Hierarchy of Needs was founded by Abraham ______.
  1. 1. In the Drive-Reduction theory, people need to _______ their needs.
  2. 2. In the Arousal theory, _______ is being psychologically alert and attentive.
  3. 3. In the Incentives theory, people are _________ to get incentives.
  4. 4. ________ creates goal-directed behavior in the Incentives theory.
  5. 6. In the Hierarchy of Needs, certain needs have ________ over others.
  6. 7. In the Arousal theory/Yerkes-dodson Law,______ tasks lead to high arousal.
  7. 8. The Incentives theory is tied to _______ conditioning.
  8. 10. In the Drive-Reduction theory, _______ is created in order to trigger drive-reducing behaviors.
  9. 14. ______ is the drive-reducing behavior for the need of food in the Drive-Reduction theory.
  10. 16. In the Hierarchy of Needs, ______ needs require achievement, competence, and independence.
  11. 18. _____________ needs are the most prioritized in the Hierarchy of Needs.