Theorist Review Activity

  1. 2. created the Multiple Intelligence Theory. (Hint: Last name)
  2. 3. theory created by B. F. Skinner to make preferred behavior permanent.
  3. 5. Erik Erikson's theory of a child's personality.
  4. 7. Abraham Maslow's theory of level of education.
  5. 9. created the theory that social/cultural experiences affect a child's learning.(Hint: Last name)
  6. 11. Created the theory: Children as Experts. (Hint: Last name)
  7. 12. Ivan Pavlov's Classical Conditioning theory which tellus a childs (...) leads to how they response?
  1. 1. David Kolb's theory that children observe and reflect what they learn.
  2. 4. Jerome Bruner's theory that using contextualization is vital for a child's learning.
  3. 6. Jean Piaget's theory for developing the brain.
  4. 8. Created the Social Cognitive Theory. (Hint: Last name)
  5. 10. Lawrence Kohlberg's theory that Moral development means, "Each level involves different ways of thinking".