Theory 1

  1. 2. cultural studies tend to be?
  2. 6. he put forth the idea of 'heresy of paraphrase'.
  3. 8. he is the author of 'What is an Author'?
  4. 11. this epic poem was analyzed from a Reader Response perspective by Stanley Fish.
  5. 14. culture is?
  6. 15. this critic is associated with the archetypal approach
  7. 16. this theory explores the questions of the role of spatial setting in a poem.
  1. 1. this is defined as the error of evaluating a poem by its effects upon the reader
  2. 2. Aesthetic Ideology was a term applied by this theorist.
  3. 3. the term New Historicism was coined by?
  4. 4. this school of theory shows a particular interest for the role of testimony in literature.
  5. 5. This term was coined by the feminist Showlater
  6. 7. the term ecological Imperialism was coined by?
  7. 9. Who called Chaucer the father of English poetry?
  8. 10. this critic is not concerned with Queer theory.
  9. 12. There is nothing outside the text, said by?
  10. 13. what is the relation between texts that inflicted by means of quotations and allusions?