Theory of Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. Thin crust made of basalt rock, more dense
  2. 3. An idea that has been proven over and over using the scientific method in order to gain strong evidence
  3. 6. Parts of the earth’s surface broken up. Scientists know the borders by seeing the locations of earthquakes and volcanoes
  4. 7. Thick crust made of granite rock, less dense
  5. 8. A belief that is based only on an observation
  6. 9. Area around the Pacific Ocean where there are a lot of volcanoes & earthquakes
  1. 1. When new land is created from magma in an underwater volcano
  2. 4. Thought of seafloor spreading
  3. 5. When continental crust & oceanic crust meet & the oceanic crust goes under & gets destroyed