Theory Review

  1. 5. in Critical Disability Theory, the belief that science and medicine should not separate the needs of disabled persons, but work for the welfare of all people
  2. 8. the voluntary or forced migration of peoples from their native homelands
  3. 9. this branch of feminism's primary goal is gender equality in the public sphere; private sphere issues are explored in terms of their impact on public sphere inequalities
  4. 10. a study of the effects of colonialism on cultures and societies
  5. 12. Critical Disability Theorists explore how our use of this reflects our discomfort with disability
  6. 14. this branch of feminism is concerned with the oppressive nature of capitalism; connects the oppression of women with other oppression in society
  7. 15. the power of the ruling class to convince others that their interests are the interests of all
  8. 17. new transcultural forms that result from cross-cultural exchange - it is not necessarily a peaceful mixture
  1. 1. the process by which a cultural practice is made stimulating and exciting by its difference from the colonizer’s ideas of normalcy
  2. 2. views gender as a social construct and maintains that definitions of gender and sexuality are non-binary, and constantly in flux
  3. 3. a refusal to use the language of the colonizer in the correct or standard way
  4. 4. in Critical Disability Theory, the position that disabled persons are oppressed by multiple systems, not just ableism
  5. 6. in Post-Colonial Theory, this involves the colonized taking the language of their colonizers, and blending with their native languages, thus creating their own rules of usage
  6. 7. this branch of feminism emphasizes essential differences between men and women, and advocates for equally valuing “female” occupations and values
  7. 11. the state of being “other” or different, and the study of the ways in which one group differentiates itself from others
  8. 13. in Critical Disability Theory, this issue is about representation
  9. 16. Critical Disability Theory is concerned with these, both individually and socially
  10. 18. this branch of feminism is more militant in approach than other branches, they oppose existing social structures as inherently tied to patriarchy