
  1. 2. A marine animal that has gills on the side of its head, usually found in the gulf of mexico, endangered
  2. 4. an experiance that causes therians to feel closer to therir theriotype
  3. 5. A type of shift where an alterhuman is in the mindset of their kintype
  4. 7. A type of shift where an alterhuman dreams of being their kintype
  5. 10. Someone who identifies as a non-human organism
  6. 11. The identification of a therian, usually in the therianthropy circle
  7. 12. A Canine that usually lives in packs, often associated with howling
  8. 14. A type of shift where an alterhuman experiences a shift of any kind out of their known kintype(s)
  9. 15. A type of shift where an alterhuman feels an emotional connection to something that reminds them of their kintype
  10. 17. A type of shift where an alterhuman experiances having their kintypes senses, one or more
  11. 18. A Form of noise that most canines make, not barking
  12. 19. The main thought when thinking of alterhumans
  13. 20. A large amount of fur around a lion's head and neck
  14. 21. What is this about
  1. 1. A Fantasy creature that is lizardlike but can (Usually) Breathe fire and fly wth wings
  2. 2. A type of shift where an alterhuman shifts out of their physical body into the astral plane as their kintype
  3. 3. A Mammal that is shades of gold, brown, and yellow, known for a mane of fur around it's neck and head
  4. 6. A Type of shift where an alterhuman feels like a body part of their kintype is there, when it isnt there physically
  5. 8. The act (Normally done by therians) of walking, trotting, cantering, gallpoing, jumping, etc. on all fours
  6. 9. A physicall attribute that most marine animals have that allows the animals to breathe underwater
  7. 11. Someone who identifies as a non-human animal
  8. 13. A Type of shift where an alterhuman gains memories of their past life (Not all alterhumans have past lives)
  9. 16. Under the umbrella of Otherkin, A Person who identifies as a non-human, fantasy organism