These are a few JD's Favorite Things

  1. 4. Cousin
  2. 7. Toy
  3. 8. Thing to do Outside
  4. 9. Ice Cream
  5. 11. Pizza
  6. 12. Food
  7. 17. Outside Game
  8. 18. Cartoon
  9. 19. Stuffed Animal
  10. 22. Drink
  1. 1. Holiday
  2. 2. Friend
  3. 3. Movie
  4. 5. Cereal
  5. 6. Candy
  6. 10. Home
  7. 13. Dog
  8. 14. Color
  9. 15. Friend that is a Girl
  10. 16. Bed
  11. 20. Parent
  12. 21. School Subject