- 5. people from one’s family that were part of an earlier, or older, generation
- 6. a person who is a member of a particular country and given certain rights because of that status
- 8. part of a plant that holds the plant firmly in the ground; used
- 10. a place where someone is isolated, or kept separate, because of being thought to pose some threat battered, damaged or worn down because of overuse
- 11. a place of uncertainty
- 1. official documents that show that one is a citizen of a particular
- 2. disturbing or intruding upon bank, the ground at the edge of a river
- 3. a person who lives in a particular place
- 4. a person’s family or ethnic background, including culture and traditions
- 6. a place where someone is stopped to be examined and looked
- 7. on this page to mean “your relatives” or “where you come from”
- 9. card, a registration card that allows one to live and work in the United States