Things around school

  1. 3. to make a straight line
  2. 5. used to sit
  3. 8. as appointment place Office place for teacher gathering
  4. 9. for colouring
  5. 11. medium for write
  6. 12. medium for write using chalk
  7. 13. used to fill some books
  8. 14. used to cut paper
  9. 15. use to write on the board
  10. 16. a place with a lot of books
  11. 17. use for drawing
  1. 1. used to erase something
  2. 2. used to write
  3. 4. used to put books
  4. 6. a big board with white color
  5. 7. to project a bigger screen
  6. 10. place to run a learning process
  7. 15. to warn the time