Things at School

  1. 2. where children play and carry out ceremonies
  2. 5. textbooks used in learning
  3. 6. A place to store pencils
  4. 7. room where teachers gather and have meetings
  5. 8. as a place to paste information and other writings
  6. 10. for drawing books
  7. 12. where teaching and learning are carried out
  8. 13. as a place for a pedestal when writing in class
  9. 15. to erase the blackboard
  10. 16. as a place to rest while eating and drinking
  1. 1. for coloring pencils
  2. 3. to store books in the classroom
  3. 4. as a place to write using chalk
  4. 8. as a place to write using a marker
  5. 9. is a place to read and lend books
  6. 11. to cover wrong ballpoint pen
  7. 12. as a place to sit
  8. 14. tool used to write books