You Know This

  1. 1. provided to each employee, like gloves, lab coat, face shield
  2. 4. Newest Department in the Lab
  3. 8. the instrument of choice in Hematology
  4. 9. catch one by the tail or the cap on serum collection tubes
  5. 11. one example of PPE used in the lab and donned last
  6. 13. precautions used @ all times @ Atherotech phlebody sites
  7. 15. blood acid increased in Gout
  8. 17. glucose value of 800 is one of these and must be called to DR
  9. 20. important test in the diagnosis of hyperlipidemia
  10. 23. minutes SST tubes should stand before processing
  11. 24. this along with food NOT allowed in the lab
  12. 25. is the good cholesterol and HIGH values are best for the heart
  13. 26. abbreviation for Standard Deviation
  14. 27. the name of the VAP prep instrument
  15. 29. the first thing you look for on a tube for testing
  1. 1. the color cap for a CBC tube
  2. 2. detailed info of hazards of each lab chemical
  3. 3. all temp sensitive devices used in patient testing are cked
  4. 5. faucet or portable station needed if you splash serum in your eye
  5. 6. barcode label "T000CHC" is used for this and NOT sent across the LIS
  6. 7. inversions necessary to ensure thoroughly mixed serum before aliquoting
  7. 9. maximum SD's allowed for controls to exceed established mean
  8. 10. for procedure clarification go to appropriate one of these
  9. 12. used to determine a comprehensive serum cholesterol profile
  10. 14. the SOP states 1-7 days from collection the sample is...
  11. 16. the # of seconds you should scrub when washing your hands
  12. 18. 2 levels of this are run daily to verify instruments operation
  13. 19. a kind of hairdo or the name of the Lab's Senior Director
  14. 21. the fastest moving thing in the lab
  15. 22. every sample submitted for testing must have this with it
  16. 28. the state inspection agency of Atherotech