Things Fall Apart Vocab

  1. 3. Using power without considering the feelings of others
  2. 6. Deserted of people, in a state of emptiness
  3. 9. designated, decided on beforehand
  4. 10. having been in existence for a long time
  5. 13. unnecessary especially through being more than enough
  6. 15. having an exaggerated sense of one's own importance
  7. 16. A particular for of procedure
  8. 18. confirm or support
  9. 19. gloomy, bad tempered
  10. 20. making one extremely angry or impatient
  11. 21. Quell the anger, agitation or excitement of
  12. 22. impossible to rectify or repair
  13. 26. A very poor person
  14. 27. Punishment inflicted for an injury or wrong
  15. 29. to be sad, gloomy
  1. 1. provoke or challenge
  2. 2. exemption from a rule or requirement
  3. 4. An ornament or small piece of jewelry thought to protect against evil
  4. 5. cheerful or optimistic
  5. 7. Restrain
  6. 8. religious ceremony or act of the christian church
  7. 11. Violation or misuse of what is regarded as sacred
  8. 12. ancient ritual musical instrument
  9. 14. dedicated or consecrated to god or a religious purchase
  10. 17. about to happen
  11. 21. inclined or disposed to avoid strife or dissension
  12. 23. A church house provided for a member of the clergy
  13. 24. Reparation or compensation
  14. 25. Deprived of a loved one through absence
  15. 28. to explode