Things fall apart

  1. 2. a crowd or natural force that moves suddenly and powerfully forward or upward
  2. 7. strange or mysterious, especially in an unsettling way
  3. 8. a manner of doing something
  4. 9. forbidding or uninvited
  5. 13. a person sent on a special mission
  6. 15. done without confidence; hesitant
  7. 16. a strong and fast-moving stream of water or other liquid
  8. 24. a thing that causes disgust or hatred
  9. 25. something that is rich and profuse in growth
  10. 27. given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior
  11. 29. a medium to large long-winged bird of prey that typically has a forked tail and frequently soars on updrafts of air
  12. 30. lack of good sense; foolishness
  13. 31. feel deep respect or admiration for (something)
  14. 33. make amends or reparation
  15. 35. deny the truth of (a statement), especially by asserting the opposite.
  16. 37. skill or expertise in a particular activity or field
  17. 39. wildly excited or uncontrolled
  18. 40. separated from or existing without the body
  19. 42. wrongly or inappropriate
  20. 44. serving as a food reserve and bearing buds from which new plants arise
  21. 45. in a serious and severe manner
  22. 47. a final demand or statement of terms
  23. 48. inducing feelings of anxiety or worry
  24. 49. able to be shown to be right or reasonable; defensible
  25. 51. in an initial stage; beginning to happen or develop
  26. 52. perceive or recognize something
  27. 53. in a manner that shows the symptoms of a fever
  28. 55. assuming power or authority without justification; arrogant and domineering
  29. 57. a short, smoothbore gun for firing shells (technically called bombs) at high angles
  30. 58. amusement, especially as expressed in laughter
  31. 59. be about to happen
  32. 60. having or showing tenacity and grim persistence
  1. 1. (of something provided or available) lacking in quantity or quality
  2. 3. a Spanish or Portuguese nobleman of the highest rank
  3. 4. the quality of being characterized by vigorous activity and progress
  4. 5. looking exhausted and unwell
  5. 6. an activity or domain in which a great deal of time or effort is expended
  6. 10. expressing and feeling sincere regret and remorse
  7. 11. having or showing a wish to do evil to others
  8. 12. in an intensely deep or bright manner
  9. 14. stimulate or give rise to (a reaction or emotion, typically a strong or unwelcome one) in someone
  10. 17. be incompatible or at variance; clash
  11. 18. an officer who makes public announcements in a court of justice
  12. 19. well meaning and kindly
  13. 20. deserving contempt; despicable
  14. 21. an alcoholic drink or drug that causes someone to lose control of their faculties and behavior
  15. 22. in a way that is uncertain, indefinite, or unclear
  16. 23. climb, move, or get in or out of something in an awkward and laborious way
  17. 26. involving or requiring strenuous effort
  18. 28. not having or showing foresight; spendthrift or thoughtless
  19. 32. the action of saying farewell
  20. 34. a quavering or vibratory sound
  21. 36. a slender threadlike appendage of a climbing plant
  22. 37. having great power, influence, or effect
  23. 38. a person or thing regarded as an infallible authority or guide on something.
  24. 41. Abrupt and curt in manner or speech
  25. 43. unwilling and hesitant
  26. 46. the most worthless part or parts of something
  27. 50. skilled at gaining an advantage
  28. 54. a dry, dusty easterly or northeasterly wind on the West African coast
  29. 56. demand and obtain (something, especially a payment) from someone