Things fall apart

  1. 1. slight
  2. 5. looking exhausted
  3. 9. strange
  4. 10. to have skill
  5. 14. to make a great demand
  6. 16. fast moving stream/sudden
  7. 18. not right
  8. 19. a person sent on a important mission
  9. 20. a vibrating sound
  10. 23. a final demand
  11. 26. foolishness
  12. 29. a priestess that channels a god
  13. 30. deep respect
  14. 31. expressing
  15. 32. unwilling
  16. 34. in a severe manner
  17. 35. a statement
  18. 37. slightly
  19. 39. denying the truth
  20. 43. exciting
  21. 45. not certain
  22. 46. hard work
  23. 48. not having
  24. 49. using a strong emotion
  25. 51. requires effort
  26. 52. worry
  27. 53. energetic
  28. 54. showing tenacity
  29. 57. a wish to do evil to others
  30. 58. a person of high rank
  31. 60. you fly it in the air
  1. 2. lacking
  2. 3. the remains of liquid
  3. 4. to be uncontrolled
  4. 6. being characterized in victory
  5. 7. manner
  6. 8. a person to make public announcements
  7. 11. somewhere dry and dusty in Africa
  8. 12. to have a conflict
  9. 13. a gaining advantage
  10. 15. to move
  11. 17. gives a rise to a reaction
  12. 18. make amends
  13. 21. to be in riches
  14. 22. about to happen
  15. 24. thread like part of a plant
  16. 25. rounded/swelling
  17. 27. amusement
  18. 28. assuming power
  19. 33. despicable
  20. 36. an initial stage
  21. 38. a cause of hat
  22. 40. without a body
  23. 41. abrupt manner of speech
  24. 42. sudden change in mood
  25. 44. something made from hard material
  26. 47. to be with a reason
  27. 50. kindly
  28. 55. to recognize
  29. 56. noticeable
  30. 59. powerful