Things fall apart

  1. 3. The name means a low-ranked person.
  2. 9. the name for a person of high religious significance, such as an Igbo priest.
  3. 11. conference or discussion, as originally between African natives and European explorers or traders
  4. 15. a person or agent sent on a specific mission.
  5. 18. shamelessly bold or disrespectful; saucy; insolent.
  6. 19. dried, hollow shell of a gourd, used as a bowl, cup, and so on.
  7. 21. a liquid made from seeds that make the skin pucker; used for temporary tattoo-like decorations.
  8. 23. persons or things that come before to announce or give an indication of what follows
  9. 27. the village gathering place and playing field; an area for large celebrations and special events.
  10. 28. a class of men holding an ozo title; it also refers to the ritual which accompanies the granting of a title to a person.
  11. 29. changeable
  12. 31. having or showing arrogant superiority to
  13. 32. to have taken away the sacredness of; treat as not sacred; profane.
  14. 34. a bird that flies endlessly.
  15. 36. object believed by some person or group to have magical power
  16. 41. strings of hundreds of tiny beads worn snugly around the waist.
  17. 43. being more than is needed, useful, or wanted; surplus; excessive.
  18. 45. The name implies male pride and stubbornness
  19. 46. a class of people in Igbo culture considered outcasts, not fit to associate with free-born members of the clan.
  20. 47. feeling or expressing remorse for misdeeds
  21. 50. persevering determination to perform a task
  22. 51. a very large, nonvenomous snake of Asia, Africa,
  23. 52. intended for or understood by only a chosen few, as an inner group of disciples or initiates (said of ideas, literature, and so).
  24. 56. peace.
  25. 58. any of several plants
  26. 59. the extended family, the clan.
  27. 60. worthless men in the eyes of the community.
  1. 1. horse the bicycle that the white man was riding when he apparently got lost.
  2. 2. a gong.
  3. 4. a superior skill learned by study and practice
  4. 5. a drum.
  5. 6. dusty wind that blows from the Sahara in northern Africa
  6. 7. a small but aggressive bird
  7. 8. a hybrid banana plant that is widely cultivated in the Western Hemisphere.
  8. 9. Forest the name of the leader of the egwugwu; also the name of the forest where taboo objects and people are abandoned.
  9. 10. the inner organs of humans or animals; specifically, the intestines; viscera; guts.
  10. 12. two born at the same birth. Here, according to Igbo custom
  11. 13. daughters who have married outside the clan.
  12. 14. elina, elina a favorite song of Ikemefuna's about how Danda the ant holds court and how the sand dances forever; it was introduced as a story at the end of Chapter 4.
  13. 15. a preaching of, or zealous effort to spread, the gospel.
  14. 16. potassium nitrate; used in the preparation of snuff
  15. 17. material that represents peace. The Umuofians use chalk to signify personal honors and status by marking the floor and the toe
  16. 20. fever, probably related to malaria.
  17. 22. not supplying something useful for the future
  18. 24. melon seeds prepared for a soup.
  19. 25. the place where, or medium by which, the deities are consulted
  20. 26. an abrupt discourteous manner
  21. 27. shamelessly bold or disrespectful; saucy; insolent
  22. 30. working land for a share of the crop, especially as a tenant farmer. Here, Okonkwo works as a sharecropper to obtain seed-yams.
  23. 33. a carved wooden figure kept by every man in his shrine to symbolize the strength of a man's right hand.
  24. 35. name of the current priestess
  25. 37. wishing or appearing to wish evil to others
  26. 38. call forth, as an emotion, feeling, or response
  27. 39. birds of prey with long, pointed wings and, usually, a forked tail; they prey especially on insects, reptiles, and small mammals.
  28. 40. social prohibition or restriction that results from convention or tradition
  29. 42. excretes waste matter from the bowels.
  30. 44. day, Afo day The Igbo week has four days: Eke, Oye, Afo, and Nkwo.
  31. 48. men's undershirts, especially the sleeveless kind
  32. 49. loosely, produced in the throat; harsh, rasping, and so on.
  33. 53. leaders of the clan who wear masks during certain rituals and speak on behalf of the spirits; the term can be either singular or plural.
  34. 54. anyone not a Jew, Christian, or Muslim; especially, a member of a tribe, nation
  35. 55. the ceremony in which the bride is judged to have been faithful to her groom.
  36. 57. medicine, magic.
  37. 61. a clay pot.