things fall apart

  1. 1. mostvaluablecashcropgrowninthevillage
  2. 5. overwhelmingworryisthathewillbecomelikehisfather
  3. 7. outcast
  4. 8. Okonkwo'seldestson
  5. 9. torepresentfictitously
  6. 11. exceptionalorsuperiorability
  7. 13. sacraficedforkillingawomenfromumofia
  8. 17. habituallydoingnothingoravoidingwork
  9. 18. food used to greet visitors or guests
  10. 19. Okonkwo'seldestdaughterandEkwefi'sonlychild
  11. 20. shout of approval and greeting
  1. 2. tomakeamendsorreprations
  2. 3. village playground
  3. 4. exhibitingabundanceorfullness
  4. 6. shelterorprotectionfromdanger
  5. 10. Okonkwo'sbestfriend
  6. 12. agreatmisfortuneordisaster
  7. 14. worthless man
  8. 15. peronal god
  9. 16. earthgoddess