Things Fall Apart

  1. 1. the igbo term for most valuable cash crop grown in the village
  2. 4. exhibiting abundance or fullness
  3. 5. to express sharp, stern disapproval of
  4. 6. feeble or weak in body or health
  5. 8. the igbo term for fermented palm sap used for celebration and ceremony
  6. 12. amusement or laughter
  7. 13. reputation or influence arising from success
  8. 15. a representative sent on a mission or errand
  9. 17. the igbo term for food used to greet visitors and guests
  1. 2. the igbo term for women
  2. 3. the igbo term for food made from yams
  3. 4. to cause to adopt a different religion
  4. 7. to regar with respect
  5. 9. having or showing little or no interest in anything; languid
  6. 10. habitually doing nothing or avoiding work; lazy
  7. 11. dexterous; nimble
  8. 13. exceptional or superior ability
  9. 14. requiring great exertion
  10. 16. a formal or ceremonial act or procedure prescribed
  11. 18. to make amends or reparation, as for an offense or a crime, or for an offender