Things I Love About You

  1. 3. the quality that makes each person the way they are
  2. 7. the intimate contact that two people's lips make
  3. 9. the anatomy that i like to smack
  4. 10. the tight squeezes we give to our friends and family
  5. 11. the anatomy that pumps blood throughout our bodies
  6. 14. the sound we make sometimes when we sleep
  7. 15. the beautiful scent that is your natural aroma
  8. 16. the grass that grows on the top of our heads
  1. 1. the internal fire that keeps us going no matter what
  2. 2. the anatomy that we use to see
  3. 4. the quality of being funny
  4. 5. the use of imagination or original ideas
  5. 6. the strength required to physical and mental activities
  6. 8. the gesture humans do with their face when they are happy
  7. 12. the ink that we put in our skin to form certain designs
  8. 13. the anatomy that helps give newborns nutrients
  9. 14. the part of us that lives forever