Things That Are Anyaysha Core

  1. 2. Anytime you see someone being - to class with no excuse
  2. 5. Anytime you see someone pulling their - up too high
  3. 6. Anytime you see someone - another person down the hallway
  4. 7. Anytime you see someone saying - words incorrect
  5. 8. Anytime you see someone get in -
  6. 9. Anytime you see Anaysha in a class, the teacher says, "Anaysha Jenkins, -- of my classroom!"
  7. 11. Anytime you see someone making really cringey -
  8. 12. Anytime you see someone with a sharp jawline, they must have been -
  1. 1. Anytime you see someone's teacher have to call their -
  2. 3. Anytime you see someone - another person for no reason
  3. 4. Anytime you see someone only talking in Gen Alpha -
  4. 7. Anytime you see someone - up behind your back
  5. 10. Anytime you see someone - during lunch