Things you can wear

  1. 3. In your shoes you wear them underneath.
  2. 5. People wear me to keep warm mostly in winter.
  3. 6. When you wake up and your feet are cold you put on what?
  4. 9. You look at me ticking whenever you please.
  5. 10. They save you from the rain.
  6. 11. You go o bed in these.
  7. 14. You use this to hold your jeans up.
  8. 16. They can come in a wide range of sizes.
  9. 18. There are different types of them like a bucket___.
  10. 19. When you walk in me you start to lose tread.
  11. 20. In winter some people wear them around their necks
  1. 1. You will always find a spare________on your clothes.
  2. 2. Its like a scarf but for your hands.
  3. 4. In summer you wear it.
  4. 6. Only girls wear me I am longer than socks.
  5. 7. So you can swim properly you can swim in___.
  6. 8. They are like a crop top but longer
  7. 12. In summer you can wear them instead of jeans.
  8. 13. Men wear it on a shirt around their neck.
  9. 15. Did you like this crossword.
  10. 17. They cover your whole leg up and are great for winter.