Thinking Errors

  1. 8. feeling of worthless,like im nothing all the time
  2. 9. exaggerate mistakes of others
  3. 11. no concern for others
  4. 12. act like i have total control over others
  5. 14. i like being a criminal
  6. 15. think im different when i do bad things
  7. 16. closed minded
  8. 19. criminal person that no one will catch
  9. 23. i tried to always look confusioned even tho im not
  10. 24. make everyone feel sorry for me
  11. 25. quick to have aggression,outrage,tantrums
  1. 1. always put things off on others
  2. 2. everyone owes me
  3. 3. false front and still do the wrong thing
  4. 4. make excuse for everything right or wrong
  5. 5. never let go,attack weaker persons
  6. 6. use secrets to control other
  7. 7. domminate,manipulate,control
  8. 10. hop over answers i dont like
  9. 13. use arguments to create a cloubd of words to confuse
  10. 16. inmpulsive, will not wait for others
  11. 17. making others behavior worst than mine
  12. 18. im always the victim
  13. 20. assuming i know what everyone is thinking
  14. 21. always present incapable of doing things myself
  15. 22. dishonesty
  16. 24. doing things just for other to say good job