Thinking Errors

  1. 2. I am impulsive. I do not wait for the proper time to do things. I will not delay my desires. I do it when I want to, even if its not the right time.
  2. 8. I present myself as incapable and unable to do what I am asked. I think if I look helpless, people won’t expect much of me and I won’t be held accountable.
  3. 9. I wear a mask or false front. I give the right answer. I do or say the right thing though that is not how I truly think and feel. On the outside, I appear to be a good citizen, but undearneath this mask is the beating heart of a real criminal person.
  4. 10. I feel anger in many situations or most of the time. I get angry easily. My anger quickly becomes intense and spreads. I use tantrums, outrage and aggression to express anger. When I am angry, I don’t think in a normal, rational way. My anger can lead to hurtful or criminal acts. Sometimes I use anger to shift focus from the problem or me to something else. I also use anger to seek revenge. Sometimes I get angry or pretend I am angry so I can control someone or justify hurting someone.
  5. 11. I take pride in being a criminal. My self esteem is based on my criminal deeds and accomplishments. Criminal deeds could include criminal offenses or merely breaking rules and feeling proud that I got away with it.
  6. 12. I discount my innapropriate behavior. I try to make wrong behavior appear insignificant. Sometimes I compare my wrong behavior to “worse” behavior, so I don’t appear to be so bad.
  7. 13. I view others as a possession. I act as if I have total control over another person. I ignore the fact that the other person has feelings and needs. I abuse power in the relationship.
  8. 14. I blame someone or something for causing me to act as I did. I blame others so I can avoud responsilbility for my actions.
  1. 1. Assuming I know the thoughts, motives, and intentions of others. Not bothering to ask people what they think or what is important to them.
  2. 3. I use legalistic arguments to create a cloud of words to confuse and distract others from what is really relevant. I skillyfully focus on rules or morals and I hide behind them so that others cannot force me to be responsible. I especially like to ignore the spirit of a law or rule so I can use a literal interpretation to mislead others. I divert attention from real issues by focusing on irrelevant, nit picking details.
  3. 4. I make excuses or explanations to explain away my innaprorpiate behavior. I try to make something wrong appear like it is not wrong.
  4. 5. I feel worthless, like I am a nothing. I think other people can tell I am a zero, or I am afraid that others may discover I am really a nothing. I believe that things will never change- that I will always be a zero. I may enagage in illegal or dangerous activities so I can prove to others or myself that I am not a zero.
  5. 6. I believe I am such a slick, criminal person, that no one will catch me or be wise to my criminal tricks and plans. I am aware that if I do wrong and get caught I will get punished, but I think ZI won’t get caught or that if I do get caught I will be able to talk my way out of it.
  6. 7. I do things just to get others to praise me. My heart is not in what I am doing. I am just trying to get others to say “good job” or “atta boy!”
  7. 11. I will look confused even though I really know what’s going on. I will try to convince others that I do not know what to do or what is expected of me. I will typically use confusion as a way to avoid responsibility or as an excuse for not doing what I was supposed to do.