Thinking Like a Scientist

  1. 5. representations of something that cannot be easily observed in real life
  2. 8. studies matter and energy (2 words)
  3. 9. study of all living things
  4. 11. a type of variable that is changed in an experiment
  5. 14. set of finding in an experiment
  6. 15. the study of enrgy interacting with matter
  7. 16. a proposed explanation that has been extensively tested
  8. 17. gaining information about a topic
  1. 1. a good guess about a cause of a problem or its solution that cannot be tested
  2. 2. the study of transformation of matter
  3. 3. study of nonliving things and their history (2 words)
  4. 4. one aspect or part that has been tested in an experiment
  5. 6. a set of steps in a scientific inquire (2 words
  6. 7. description on a problem or an object
  7. 10. a type of variable that is influenced by a changed variable
  8. 12. a set of steps that tests a hypothesis
  9. 13. an educated guess about the cause of a problem or its solution that could be tested
  10. 18. drawing conclusions and asking questions about finding of a study