Third Grade Crossword Puzzle #2

  1. 3. Math game where you count candy to 20
  2. 5. Special where you move your body to music
  3. 6. Math teacher
  4. 8. Where you wash your hands
  5. 10. Your teacher (whose name starts with an S)
  6. 13. Bear's compliment club animal
  7. 15. The first person in the name song
  8. 16. Notebook where you write about your life
  1. 1. Your teacher (whose name starts with an E)
  2. 2. Your school
  3. 4. Meal that you eat at 11:25 everyday
  4. 5. The place you keep your folders in the classroom
  5. 7. Special where you learn another language
  6. 9. Special where you sing
  7. 11. Who are we using to measure in Math?
  8. 12. Orange tool I use to write
  9. 14. Time when you play on roof