Thirty-One Crossword Puzzle

  1. 3. Great bag for Game Day
  2. 5. Something starting April 1st
  3. 7. Must have for Grocery Shopping
  4. 10. Previous Customer Special
  5. 12. Perfect Wedding Gift
  6. 13. Hostess Exclusive
  7. 16. What you get when you host a party!
  8. 18. Something we all need more of
  9. 20. Colorful pattern
  10. 22. Michele's Newest Tote
  1. 1. Something you can earn by hosting a party
  2. 2. April's Customer Special
  3. 4. Another of Michele's favorite new patterns
  4. 6. Number #1 Selling Product
  5. 8. Another April Customer Special
  6. 9. Michele's favorite new pattern
  7. 11. A MUST have!
  8. 14. Only $10.00
  9. 15. What you can purchase for $99.00
  10. 17. New Icon-It
  11. 19. Type of Party you can have
  12. 21. February's Customer Special