This is about Ancient china 😎

  1. 2. flat thin pieces of rock
  2. 5. the greatest artistic achievement
  3. 8. still up now and was used to keep out rabbits
  4. 9. it was in vented in china
  5. 10. The 3rd largest country in the world
  6. 12. how many main dynastys were there
  7. 13. religion the Chinese believed in
  8. 14. the Chinese created it to tell you were you go
  1. 1. he created the first flame thrower
  2. 3. he created china
  3. 4. Chinese philosopher
  4. 6. a Chinese language
  5. 7. only woman to rule china
  6. 9. they began building the Great Wall of china
  7. 11. it was first discovered in china