Three Muscle Types

  1. 3. Smooth muscle can contract gradually over long periods of time without ______.
  2. 5. Type of muscle found only in the heart and has its own impulse system
  3. 9. Skeletal muscle is also known as striped or ________.
  4. 12. The _______ nervous system is in charge of smooth muscle.
  5. 14. Cardiac muscles contain specialized cells called _______ cells.
  6. 16. There are two different types of smooth muscle cells. Multi-unit and single unit, which is also known as _______.
  7. 17. Smooth muscle distinctly does not have ______ (that both skeletal and cardiac muscle do have, and is also known as striations).
  8. 18. Skeletal muscles make up +/_____ percent of the total body weight
  9. 20. Skeletal muscles are long ____ nucleated fiber cells.
  10. 21. In cardiac muscle, there is an abundance of _________.
  11. 24. Smooth muscles only have one _____.
  12. 25. What type of muscle fibers converge on the insertion or maximize the force of muscle contraction.
  13. 27. Skeletal muscles have _______ striations.
  14. 29. Smooth muscle cells are _______ than skeletal muscle.
  15. 30. Skeletal muscles are attached to _______.
  16. 31. This is the shape of smooth muscle cells.
  17. 32. Cardiac muscles are located only in the _____.
  1. 1. There are _______ shapes of skeletal muscle.
  2. 2. Multi-unit smooth muscles would be found in the walls of large ____
  3. 3. Some texts classify parallel muscles that are slightly wider in their misled as parallel _______.
  4. 4. Breathing is an example of a(n) ________ movement.
  5. 6. Type of muscle controlled by the conscious mind
  6. 7. Sartorius muscle and rectus abdominus muscle are examples of this type of muscle.
  7. 8. Skeletal muscle has a large supply of _______ and blood vessels.
  8. 10. Smooth muscles cells are found in the walls of what type of organs.
  9. 11. Skeletal muscles have the ______ cells in the body.
  10. 13. ______ disks are gap junctions staining darker which connect cells together and transmit impulses.
  11. 15. Cardiac muscle has a ______ nuclei.
  12. 19. Continual “waves” of contraction of the smooth muscle as food moves through the intestines is called _______.
  13. 22. When cells form skeletal tissue, they can form in _____ ways with different types of attachments.
  14. 23. Type of muscle that has many fibers per unit area.
  15. 25. Orbicularis oris and Orbicularis Oculi muscles are example of this type of muscle.
  16. 26. Type of muscle that carries out unconscious, internal movements of the body
  17. 28. Cells banded together forming the tissue of the muscle is called the ____.