Thrift Savings Plan

  1. 3. After-tax
  2. 4. Eligible to Contribute – Prior to August 1, 2010
  3. 6. NO agency matching or auto 1%
  4. 8. Pre-tax
  5. 10. Automatically Enrolled
  6. 11. Auto enroll in 3%
  7. 13. Elected to Contribute
  1. 1. Date of hire, rehire, or conversion
  2. 2. Terminated Contributions
  3. 4. Ineligible
  4. 5. 1% automatic agency contributions, up to 4% agency matching
  5. 7. reflects an employee’s participation in the TSP
  6. 9. Mandatory for all FERS employees. It is the date the Thrift Board uses to determine if an employee is vested
  7. 12. Auto enroll in 5%