Throne of Glass

  1. 1. the second test activity
  2. 5. the heroine's mentor
  3. 6. the heroine's dead friend/lover
  4. 8. the name of the heroine's friend from the competition
  5. 10. What is the name of the champion who taunts Celaena?
  6. 12. What scares Celaena in the Garden?
  7. 13. the third test activity
  8. 16. Kaltain's fiancé
  9. 18. What is the material that Adarlan's Castle is mainly made of
  10. 19. Clement who dies during the second test?
  11. 20. what instrument does the heroine know how to play
  12. 21. The main character is _______
  1. 2. The person who is trying to marry the prince of Adarlan, even though she is engaged
  2. 3. The name of the princess who is staying in Adarlan
  3. 4. _______ trains Celaena for the competition
  4. 7. How were the champions murdered?
  5. 9. Prince of Adarlan
  6. 11. What is the main character's job?
  7. 14. The 1st test activity
  8. 15. The name of the Salt mines in Chapter 1
  9. 17. the fourth test activity