Tier 2 Vocabulary Words - Part 2

  1. 4. I will _______ you on your ability to solve these math problems.
  2. 6. Make sure to _______ your paper the correct way.
  3. 8. When reading, you must ______ what the author means.
  4. 10. I want to _______ the story before you read it.
  5. 11. I want to ______ all A's this quarter.
  6. 12. You gave a ______ answer.
  1. 1. I want to make an ______ on my community.
  2. 2. You have a lot of _________ towards becoming an athlete.
  3. 3. What is your _____ on not using cell phone when driving?
  4. 5. _____ the vocabulary word by explaining the meaning.
  5. 7. You should live by the ______ - Treat others how you wish to be treated.
  6. 9. Do not ______ and get angry.
  7. 11. I need to _____ the paper to find my mistakes.