Tiger heart

  1. 1. What kind of dystrophy is shown in figure 2?
  2. 4. In what kind of dystrophy there are changes in the myocardium, resembling a tiger heart?
  3. 5. Synthesis of substances, which do not occur in normal conditions.
  4. 7. Simplest method of differential staining of collagen, another name Van Gieson's stain.
  5. 9. The collapse of ultrastructure and intercellular substance, that leads to accumulation of products of disturbed metabolism
  6. 13. Acidophilic lumps around the nucleus, formed in the cytoplasm (often hepatocytes) in protein dystrophy.
  7. 17. Metabolic disorder of copper leads to .... disease
  8. 18. A particle representing an iron-storage complex that is formed by the breakdown of hemoglobin or an abnormal metabolic pathway of ferritin.
  9. 19. Name the reaction:staining method used to detect polysaccharides such as glycogen, and mucosubstances such as glycoproteins, glycolipids and mucins in tissues.
  10. 20. Pigment that determines the color of the skin, hair and eye color of a person.
  1. 2. What medicine is used in the treatment of gout?
  2. 3. Which hormone of pineal inhibits synthesis of melanin?
  3. 6. In which type of dystrophy occurs the phenomenon of metachromasia, characteristical change in the color of staining carried out in biological tissues.
  4. 8. What substance forms "Berlin blue" under the action of potassium ferricyanide and hydrochloric acid?
  5. 10. What kind of dystrophy is shown in figure 1?
  6. 11. What kind of jaundice is observed in acute and chronic hepatitis, hepatic cirrhosis and autointoxication?
  7. 12. A yellow-orange compound that is produced by the breakdown of hemoglobin from red blood cells.
  8. 14. Severe hyperuricemia (syndrome), characterized by neurologic dysfunction and uric acid overproduction
  9. 15. Histochemically, fats identified by using of some methods: Sudan 4 stain them in ….. color
  10. 16. "Cells eltarged in volume. Cytoplasm is filled with small translucent vacuoles, nucleus is replaced to the periphery of cell." What kind of dystrophy is described?