Tiger's Crossword

  1. 1. The place where chinese new year originated
  2. 4. A filled, rolled appetizers found in East Asia
  3. 6. A chinese myth creature that symbolize good luck
  4. 7. A traditional chinese cake that symbolizes completeness and togetherness.
  5. 8. A type of cloth known as the mandarin gown
  6. 11. A red envelope that consist of money
  7. 12. A lamp that often to be seen in festivals
  8. 13. The largest cat species
  1. 2. A chinese traditional food with fillings cover with dough
  2. 3. A phase of moon that means peace and prosperity.
  3. 5. A low explosion devices for the purpose of entertaiments especially in celebrations
  4. 6. A traditional dance that is often seen in festival
  5. 9. The official language of china
  6. 10. A fruit that is popular especially in Chinese New year