Timber Framing Crossword 2

  1. 3. Provides adhesion
  2. 5. On the level
  3. 7. Type of joist
  4. 9. Sloping roof timber
  5. 13. Straight up
  6. 15. Trusses sit on this
  7. 16. Manly vertical member
  8. 17. Bottom plate
  9. 18. Not flat
  10. 20. Vertical
  1. 1. Keeps trusses together
  2. 2. Intermediates catching board ends
  3. 4. In the ceiling
  4. 6. Wears a hat in the doorway
  5. 8. Hit them or paint them?
  6. 10. Twilight overhang
  7. 11. Type of connector
  8. 12. Fix it all to this
  9. 14. Shoots glue
  10. 19. Nail Knocker