
  1. 3. The coldest season (June, July, August)
  2. 6. A year has 12 of these
  3. 7. pm
  4. 9. The hottest season (December, January, February)
  5. 11. 10 years
  6. 12. 2 weeks
  7. 14. 24 hours
  8. 15. 60 seconds
  9. 16. 60 minutes
  10. 17. 100 years
  1. 1. The season after summer (March, April, May)
  2. 2. The season after winter (September, October, November)
  3. 4. 365 days
  4. 5. The first day of the work week
  5. 8. 7 days
  6. 9. The first day of the weekend
  7. 10. am
  8. 13. The number of hours between 3:00am and 3:00pm