Time for School by Tyler Szeto

  1. 4. Technological device
  2. 5. Study of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
  3. 9. Person who guides, informs, and coaches students
  4. 10. Table that you can work at
  5. 12. Words on paper
  6. 13. Careful study of the physical world
  7. 15. Tool for writing
  8. 17. Bag for carrying things to school
  9. 21. Person you like and enjoy being with
  10. 23. Area for children to play
  11. 25. The fourth month of the year
  12. 26. Room with a collection of books for people to check out
  13. 27. Painting, coloring, and drawing
  14. 30. Skill or activity of getting information from printed words
  15. 31. Meal eaten in the middle of the day
  16. 32. Tool for cutting paper
  1. 1. Box Container used for carrying a meal
  2. 2. Important leader at a school
  3. 3. Multiple pieces of paper that give readers information
  4. 6. Substance used to stick things together
  5. 7. Written text that can be published
  6. 8. People who go to school
  7. 11. Season that brings flowers
  8. 14. Material used to cover bare floors
  9. 16. Seat for a person that has a back and usually 4 legs
  10. 17. Something that holds together sheets of paper
  11. 18. Game for kids that is similar to baseball with large rubber ball hit with foot
  12. 19. A round fruit with green, red, or yellow skin
  13. 20. Device that shows the time
  14. 22. Small piece of rubber to remove pencil marks
  15. 24. Intelligent, gray sea mammal
  16. 28. Piece of furniture you can eat and write on
  17. 29. Short period of play time during the school day