Time Management

  1. 5. the night that is best to plan our week
  2. 6. something to set and beat to keep yourself on task
  3. 7. take a 30-45 _________ break after school to begin homework
  4. 9. students should get 8-10 hours of _________
  5. 11. a distraction to completing homework/studying
  6. 12. resource we use to manage and organize our workload/assignments
  7. 13. door to place our backpack by for the next day
  8. 14. how many things your brain can focus on at a time
  1. 1. this should always be on the teacher or whoever is speaking
  2. 2. use this at school to complete schoolwork
  3. 3. have a quiet _______ to study
  4. 4. lockers, folders, computers should all be
  5. 8. eliminate urge to use this when studying or working on homework
  6. 10. do this in class to eliminate time spent going back and re learning