Time Travel

  1. 2. science that studies time
  2. 4. stones coveted by Marvel character Thanos
  3. 6. band responsible for "39"
  4. 7. a guide to the galaxy
  5. 10. the word for a wrinkle in time
  6. 12. emotionless robots who live to exterminate
  7. 16. if she could turn back time
  8. 18. romance novels set in 1945 and 1743
  9. 21. type of child admitted to Miss Peregrine's home
  10. 23. connecticut yankee in king arthur's court
  11. 26. car from Back to the Future
  12. 27. author of A Wrinkle in Time
  13. 28. theory of relativity
  14. 31. These angels will send you back in time
  15. 32. Punxsutawney Phil and Bill Murray
  1. 1. Last name of Doctor Who's Companion
  2. 3. bed linen stolen by Mrs. Whatsit
  3. 5. "I'll be back."
  4. 8. this superhero was once a surgeon
  5. 9. strange beast who flew Sirius Black to safety
  6. 10. used by Hermione to take more classes
  7. 11. book written by H.G. Wells
  8. 13. planet ruled by apes in the future
  9. 14. blue police box
  10. 15. "Bah" "Humbug"
  11. 17. brother of Meg Murry
  12. 19. home to time lords
  13. 20. time travel novel based on slave narratives
  14. 22. Doctor Who's frenemy
  15. 24. captain travels via robot trousers
  16. 25. rabbit in Donnie Darko
  17. 27. god of mischief
  18. 29. multi-functional screwdriver
  19. 30. peter pan's nemesis