Timeless Faith--Retreat

  1. 1. The steadfast love of the Lord never...
  2. 3. Friendship doubles our...and divides our griefs.
  3. 5. God's love for you is....
  4. 8. His....is greater than your ability to imagine it.
  5. 10. The Lord is gracious and merciful, slow to...and abounding in steadfast love.
  6. 11. We need never...about what changes tomorrow may bring.
  7. 13. Rejoice...,pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances
  8. 14. Jesus tells us the father...out to meet the son.
  9. 15. The Lord's...are new every morning.
  10. 16. Time will...change the love our Lord Jesus has for you.
  1. 2. Before they call I will.....
  2. 4. Jesus wants an intimate,..., meaningful relationship with every woman
  3. 6. No...on earth will ever be perfect.
  4. 7. The cross of Jesus and his righteousness are your...that the love of the Father is yours.
  5. 9. As God's people, we are his...to one another.
  6. 12. The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty...who saves.