Tim's Ultra Quizzzzz

  1. 4. First job (3,5)
  2. 5. Foreign language I karaokied
  3. 7. Primary school attended
  4. 10. Worst movie marathon (5,6)
  5. 12. My EPL team
  6. 13. Mum's name
  7. 14. Middle name
  8. 17. Dad's work field
  9. 18. Girlfriend's dog name
  10. 19. 10 years I have attended ... games (5,5)
  1. 1. Fav. muscle
  2. 2. Country I want to visit most
  3. 3. NYE location
  4. 6. Best scoring ATAR subject
  5. 8. Fav. female singer (6,5)
  6. 9. Fear of ...
  7. 11. Do I make good jokes?
  8. 12. Fav. uni subject
  9. 15. My car colour
  10. 16. Most common name among FB friends.