Tissue Types

  1. 4. muscle that makes the heart
  2. 6. transmit impulses for coordination, regulation, integration, sensory reception
  3. 9. protection,secretion, absorption, excretion
  4. 10. single layer of elongated cells that look like multiple layers
  5. 11. multiplied cuboidal cells that line the lumen
  6. 14. single layer of cubed shaped cells
  7. 15. multilayered, thick, flat cells
  1. 1. several layers of cubed shaped cells
  2. 2. single layer of elongated cells
  3. 3. bind, support, protect, fill spaces, store fat, produce blood cells
  4. 5. several layers of cuboidal cells that strech and shrink
  5. 7. movement
  6. 8. single,flat, thin layer of skin
  7. 12. spindle-shaped tissue with no striations
  8. 13. muscle attached to the bone that allows movement