Tissues and Body Systems

  1. 2. controls the nervous system
  2. 3. tissue that helps your heart pump blood
  3. 5. tool that helped Robert Hooke discover cells
  4. 9. skin and the lining of your digestive system are examples of this tissue
  5. 10. this type of cell has a cell wall
  6. 11. all living things are made of theses
  7. 13. this is the boss of the cell
  8. 14. system a group of organs that work together
  9. 15. attached to muscles to help you move
  1. 1. a group of similar cells that work together
  2. 4. you would fall apart without this tissue
  3. 6. the most complex level of organization
  4. 7. system made of bones
  5. 8. you could not get energy from food without this system
  6. 12. Schwann said that all of these are made of cells