
  1. 2. I’m turning ___________
  2. 5. My favourite pop is __________
  3. 7. My name is __________
  4. 11. My favourite number is __________
  5. 12. In ac I am __________
  6. 14. My favourite anime is
  7. 17. I am a _________
  8. 18. On Friday we get __________
  1. 1. I love_____
  2. 3. My bday party is on the __________
  3. 4. I won't a __________
  4. 6. My favourite pokemon __________
  5. 8. My favourite colour is __________
  6. 9. My bff is ________
  7. 10. I like _______
  8. 11. our house is the _________
  9. 13. We live on __________
  10. 14. I eat __________
  11. 15. Dog is __________
  12. 16. Me love __________