Pig Anatomy

  1. 4. holds food
  2. 5. air to lungs
  3. 9. fleshy flap covers glottis
  4. 10. use it to breathe
  5. 12. connects bloodstream to fetus
  6. 14. produces sperm
  7. 15. Voice box
  8. 16. Carries blood rich in food
  9. 17. opening between vocal cords
  10. 19. use it to taste food
  1. 1. collects blood from the left atrium
  2. 2. White blood cells go here to mature
  3. 3. Food tube
  4. 6. blue blood vessel
  5. 7. Buttocks hole
  6. 8. you have two of them
  7. 11. stores blood cells
  8. 13. helps air into and out the lungs
  9. 15. collects blood from the lungs
  10. 18. eggs in female